About Montessori
The Montessori approach is a child-centered education: “Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.”
Dr. Maria Montessori
The Montessori approach, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a child-centered education
based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood.
The objective is then to allow the development and expression of its potential, through an appropriate environment and respect for his personality.
Dr. Montessori’s pedagogy has been time tested, with over 100 years of success in diverse cultures throughout the world.
Montessori philosophy focuses on training children to be independent in movement, learning and thought.
The Montessori pedagogy is not licensed, therefore the term can be used freely without giving any guarantee of how closely, if at all, a program applies Montessori’s work. Still, four essential elements validate the Montessori practice: a trained Montessori teacher, specialized educational materials, uninterrupted blocks of work time, and mixed age classrooms.
Formés à la pédagogie Montessori, l’éducateur et les adultes qui interagissent avec l’enfant interviennent avec justesse et discrétion. Ils développent ainsi la confiance de l’enfant en ses capacités dans un climat de joie, de liberté et de respect mutuel.
A specific material
Pour toutes les tranches d’âge, les activités sont divisées en plusieurs aires de travail : de la vie pratique, au sensoriel, au langage, aux art, aux mathématiques et aux sciences diverses. Le matériel est développé dans le but de permettre l’autocorrection sans porter un jugement de valeur.
Freedom of choice and time to learn
Il est important de laisser la possibilité à l’enfant de poursuivre une activité aussi longtemps qu’il le souhaite. Cela lui permet de satisfaire ses intérêts profonds et lui offre le temps nécessaire à la construction de l’intelligence, à son propre rythme.
Mixed-aged and bilingual classrooms
Dans une école Montessori, les plus jeunes et les plus âgés travaillent cote à cote pour s’enrichir entre eux. Le bilinguisme se construit naturellement par immersion afin de favoriser le progrès et éviter les complexes ou blocages.
“The child is capable of developing and giving us tangible proof of the possibility of a better humanity. He has shown us the true process of construction of the human being. We have seen children totally change as they acquire a love for things and as their sense of order, discipline, and self-control develops within them…. The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.”
Dr. Maria Montessori